/BCO-DMO/PaPaPro/benthic_biodiv_v2 --lake_name eq Shrimp_Lake_Ngeruktabl-- Level 1

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#   PaPaPro Lake benthic biodiversity
#   Palau marine lake transect biodiversity survey, 2014-2016
#   M. Dawson (UC-Merced)
#   version date: 2019-05-08
#   version 2 [replaces 2014-11-27 version 1/2014-11-27]
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
SLN      Shrimp_Lake_Ngeruktabl             7.2562    134.4458   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            5.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on branch, ran from 5.3 up to 05 on transect line  
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            5.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            5.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            5.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in cave/tunnel; Ai tube empty  
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Green grey slippery sponge                                                                            rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-B     SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green grey slippery sponge                Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-C     SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-A     SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in cave/tunnel  
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-B     SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect hangs straight from 0m to 0.75 m  
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tied in at 0 m, but about 4 inches below surface of water  
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-B     SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-C     SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-D     SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     4                A     4                     1.22            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     4                B     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     4                C     4                     1.22            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     4                D     4                     1.22            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-A     SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-B     SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian; Brachidontes                                                         mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-C     SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Ci    SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-D     SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    White rosette colonial ascidian           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-B     SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-C     SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-D     SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.5                  Scyphopolyp                               Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      SLN-07-HFS-0.9m-A     SLN-07-HFS-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga seen below surface, but none at time of transfer  
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-07-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-07-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       rock                                      SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-A     SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in overhang/tunnel  
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Burnt sienna thick soft sponge; Purple tube sponge                                                    rock                                      SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-C     SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-Ci    SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Orange thick soft sponge potentially a dead/dying Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona, based on Loris database - found some with translucent rose color and unsure if dead/dying or just that color. Purple tube sponge may be a Haliclona given oscules; nothing like it in database  
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       rock                                      SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-D     SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2ft + a couple inches  
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     3                A     2.75                  0.84            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    just out of chemocline  
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     3                B     2.75                  0.84            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     3                C     2.75                  0.84            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     3                D     2.75                  0.84            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-A     SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-C     SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-D     SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Scyphopolyp                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-A     SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    4 polyps  
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-B     SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Scyphopolyp                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-C     SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 polyps  
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Scyphopolyp                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-D     SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 polyps  
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.6                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dissolved in tube  
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.6                  Brachidontes                              Scyphopolyp                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-D     SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    4 polyps  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Microsnail                                                                                            mangrove root                             SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-A     SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; forgot to take close up pictures  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; forgot to take close up pictures  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; forgot to take close up pictures  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; forgot to take close up pictures  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     4                A     4                     1.22            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     4                B     4                     1.22            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     4                C     4                     1.22            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     4                D     4                     1.22            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, it seemed turfy but could be something else; transect line bent here so I cold get horizontal to stick to wall  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, it seemed turfy but could be something else; transect line bent here so I cold get horizontal to stick to wall  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; transect line bent here so I cold get horizontal to stick to wall  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, it seemed turfy but could be something else; transect line bent here so I cold get horizontal to stick to wall  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            5                    Hydrozoan feather polyp                   nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       SLN-05-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; collected polyps with leaf  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            8                    Green turf alga                           Nongammarid amphipod                                                                                  wood                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.9m-D     SLN-05-LMS-0.9m-Di    SLN-05-LMS-0.9m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; found amphipod after digging through alga back in lab; does not appear to be the common gammarid we see; one amphipod per tube  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.3m-B     SLN-09-LMS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-B     SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-C     SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-D     SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            5                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-D     SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-A     SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, barcode  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, barcode  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.333333333          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.333333333          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.333333333          Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.333333333          Glass shrimp                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.666666667          Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.666666667          Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.666666667          Green turf alga                           Speedy mesosnail                                                                                      wood                                      SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-C     SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; might be equivalent to OTM058 Tiny speedy gastropod  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.666666667          Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             6                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             6                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with mangorves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with mangroves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Burnt sienna thick soft sponge                                                                        mud with mangroves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.3m-C     SLN-04-MAF-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangroves                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with mangroves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           Burnt sienna thick soft sponge                                                                        mud with mangroves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.6m-B     SLN-04-MAF-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangroves                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1                    Green turf alga                           Yellow ostia sponge                                                                                   mud                                       SLN-04-MAF-0.9m-A     SLN-04-MAF-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-D     SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Di    SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Dii   SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Diii  SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Div   SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Dv    SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Dvi   SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Dvii  nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-D     SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    empty tube  
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             3.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             3.5                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-B     SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             3.5                  Green grey slippery sponge                Scyphopolyp; Brachidontes; Yellow knobbly encrusting sponge                                           mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-C     SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-Ci    SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-Cii   SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             3.5                  Green grey slippery sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             7.5                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mud                                       SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-A     SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             7.5                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mud                                       SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-B     SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             7.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             7.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             5                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             5                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.7                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.7                  Green turf alga                           Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.3m-C     SLN-12-MAF-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.7                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           Brown red alga worm                                                                                   mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-D     SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mangrove root                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mangrove root                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mangrove root                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mangrove root                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf and mud                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf and mud                     SLN-02-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf and mud                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf and mud                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf  and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf  and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf  and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            6                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No sample of green stain  
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.3m-A     SLN-06-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Or is this filamentous?  
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     4                A     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     4                B     4                     1.22            2                    Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     4                C     4                     1.22            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     4                D     4                     1.22            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.3m-A     SLN-07-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.3m-C     SLN-07-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.3m-D     SLN-07-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1.75                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1.75                 Orange yellow encrusting sponge           Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.6m-B     SLN-07-MND-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1.75                 Yellow knobbly encrusting sponge          Pompom alga                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.6m-C     SLN-07-MND-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  White rosette colonial ascidian           Orange boring sponge; Brachidontes                                                                    rock                                      SLN-08-MND-0.3m-A     SLN-08-MND-0.3m-Ai    SLN-08-MND-0.3m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Orange boring sponge                                                                                  rock                                      SLN-08-MND-0.3m-B     SLN-08-MND-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green grey slippery sponge                Black brown encrusting sponge                                                                         rock                                      SLN-08-MND-0.3m-C     SLN-08-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Orange boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-08-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     1                A     0                     0               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     1                B     0                     0               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     1                C     0                     0               0                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-10-MND-0.3m-C     SLN-10-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     1                D     0                     0               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     2                A     1                     0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     2                B     1                     0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     2                C     1                     0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     2                D     1                     0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     3                A     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     3                B     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     3                C     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     3                D     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            SLN-01-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-01-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-01-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-01-MRS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     4                A     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     4                B     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     4                C     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     4                D     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-03-MRS-0.3m-A     SLN-03-MRS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.5                  White rosette colonial ascidian           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.5                  White rosette colonial ascidian           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             1                    Scyphopolyp                               Orange yellow encrusting sponge                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-B     SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             1                    Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-05-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-05-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-05-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-05-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-05-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-05-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-05-MRS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-05-MRS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-09-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-09-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-09-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-09-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-09-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-09-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-09-MRS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-11-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-11-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-11-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-11-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-C     SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             3                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-D     SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             5                    Brachidontes                              Yellow knobbly encrusting sponge                                                                      log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-A     SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             5                    Brachidontes                              Yellow knobbly encrusting sponge; Pompom alga                                                         log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-C     SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-Ci    SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-D     SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-A     SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-B     SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-C     SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-D     SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On mangrove root  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1.25                 Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1.25                 Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1.25                 Green turf alga                           Super fine branching green alga                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-C     SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On mangrove root  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1.25                 Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     4                A     4                     1.22            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     4                B     4                     1.22            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     4                C     4                     1.22            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On mangrove root  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     4                D     4                     1.22            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On mangrove root  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On rock  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             Off                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-A     SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect done under overhang and vertical transect line would not stay Tan thin patchy encrusting sponge encrusting on Brachidontes, Brachidontes collected as secondary   
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             Off                  Brachidontes                              Green stain                                                                                           rock                                      SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-B     SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green stain on rock, collected as secondary Bi  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             Off                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes; Green stain                                                                             rock                                      SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-C     SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Ci    SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tan thin patchy encrusting sponge encrusting on Brachidontes, Brachidontes collected as secondary Ci; Green stain collected as Cii  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             Off                  Brachidontes                              Green stain                                                                                           rock                                      SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-D     SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green stain on rock, collected as secondary Di  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         SLN-05-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Collected on decaying wood, unsure if green turf  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             1.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-B     SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            Off                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-A     SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            Off                  Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            Off                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            Off                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Several Scyphopolyps on piece of mangrove  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            3                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            3                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            3                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            3                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            5                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            5                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            5                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            5                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.25                 Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.25                 Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.25                 Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.25                 Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-13-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-13-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Super fine branching green alga           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-A     SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Super fine branching green alga was on the front of the mangrove root, the Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona was located on the oposite side of the root.  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Super fine branching green alga           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-B     SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Super fine branching green alga was on the front of the mangrove root, the White rosette colonial ascidian was located on the oposite side of the root.  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Hydrozoan feather polyp                   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Several Hydrozoan feather polyp on  leaf  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and decaying mangrove roots           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and decaying mangrove roots           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and decaying mangrove roots           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd